A Flaneur in Paris #TBT

My memories of Paris, starting with Shakespeare & Co and the Rive Gauche, walking the Left Bank and just being a french flaneur


A poignant postcard from Bella Venezia. #TBT

Pondicherry revisited

Six months after my last visit, I wake up one morning and decide I want, no, need, to be back at the Hermit Crab. I want to see those lovely people I met last time, and just spend a quiet weekend in contemplation. To just escape the city.  Feel the sea breeze and taste the salty air. I have to go.

The Viennese Cafe

My week in Vienna is spent in never-ending delight. My beloved friend Dani Wadia showed me her city as we walked endlessly among old buildings, royal palaces, cobbled pedestrian streets, and by the blue Danube. Really, Vienna would have been boring and different without this amazing woman, with her penchant for the offbeat, the quirky and the utterly enchanting……There! I have added epic cafes to my list of gardens, bookstores and libraries to skulk around when abroad. ……Try the offbeat when you are in Vienna.

Vienna, immer schoen!

Vienna has long been on my wishlist, but discovering it with my Vienna friend made it magical. Vienna is quirky, special and offbeat too! I did some really fun things and had the most wonderful time.

The Sagrada Familia

At first glance, your senses reel in wonder and delight as your heart races upwards in awe across the many, many delights that the edifice is, and silent tears start to trickle down your awestruck face.


the ancient ruins of Hampi, under the blazing summer sun, in Karnataka, South India